The spirited chemistry between this film's two leads is what sells the package and keeps it interesting despite overly long and convoluted action sequences. For sure, the 25-minute opening act of a magical first date between Ghosted's main couple, Sadie and Cole, is endearing. Evans and de Armas meet cute as two very different types who can't deny their mutual attraction. Though the tonal shift to action might seem abrupt after this intro, the film proposes a twist by punctuating the action with a feisty back-and-forth and oft-referenced "sexual tension" between Evans' tenderhearted farmer and de Armas' cold spy.
There's novelty in these gender-swapped roles -- he's the clingy homebody, she's the loner action hero. Evans is a bit more believable in his role than wide-eyed de Armas is as a spy, until of course Cole starts taking out the bad guys with unexplained ease. Reports had Scarlett Johansson originally co-starring, but de Armas brings her own unique combination of sexiness and vulnerability to the role. There are plenty of amusing dialogues and situations here (and a string of cameos, including Ryan Reynolds). If only the (four) writers had saved more time for talk and less for the Bond-èsque villains (Brody with a French accent) and protracted fight-and-chase sequences.
Read the full review at Common Sense Media.
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